What are wearable computers?

Wearable computer is a very self explanatory title. This information technology provides a user the ability to physically wear a computer device. These devices help provide many useful tools within a single integrated system. They are designed to help enhance the capabilities of its user through means of communication, memory, sensing, recognition, and logistical skills. Wearable computers can serve as an intelligent assistant to its user with its many uses. What sets them apart from other wearable devices is the fact that it can be reconfigured like any desktop of mainframe computer. Click here for more images of wearable computers.



What can wearable computers replace?

The implementation of wearable computers could replace other popular devices. Things such as the cellular phones and memory storing devices could be left behind. They could replace security cameras and be used to recognize a person in high alerted areas. Certain medical machines could also be replaced by a shirt developed by VivoMetrics, which is used in hospitals to monitor patients. The increase in wearable computers could decrease the need for desktop computers as well as laptops. Since these devices assume the role of a personal assistant, they could reduce the need for human assistants in different work and personal settings. An advanced technology as such could also begin to reduce and even eventually replace paperwork and the accumulation of it. With these ready-to-go on hand computers, the need for papers could eventually disappear in some areas. Other little devices such as calculators, mp3 players, and visual players could become unnecessary over time if the wearable computers were to become the next “must have” for everyone. Interesting wearable technologies were exposed at the Boston Museum of Science in the form of a wearable technology fashion show.




Wearable computers can be beneficial for several reasons. Certain qualities of this IT can show to be advantageous in many ways. One of its advantages is that it easily enhances communication. Communication being key in a large number of fields proves that these devices can be an asset. Since wearable computers are meant to be worn, as stated in the name, they are less likely to be dropped or lost unlike handheld devices. These devices provide flexibility and freedom to its users for he or she is free to displace him or herself to any location while always having access to the tools it provides. This makes it easy for people to work from anywhere. They are convenient for they are designed to make tasks easier for users. They can also be trusted for your wearable computer belongs to you, and is designed to help you personally rather than a multitude of people. By integrating many uses into one device, excessive use of things such as batteries and wireless network interfaces can be reduced.




As beneficial as wearable computers can be, like many things they have some disadvantages. Like many technical devices, they can prove to be quite expensive making it difficult for some people to enjoy. With the perk of being able to wear your device, can also come the nuisance of having to wear equipment that may be heavy or uncomfortable. When out in the heat, your IT could cause irritation which could be very unpleasant. It may also contain a lot of wiring which could get in the way. A big concern that could come from these wearable devices is the privacy risk. As a tool intended to be personalized and private, it could be quite detrimental if it were to be lost or stolen. In organizations where these devices contain private information, having them be lost or stolen could negatively affect the company’s productivity or competitive advantage. Competing firms could find ways to acquire such devices in order to copy or steal valuable information. The access to private information could turn into a complete nightmare and overshadow the advantages of these devices.



Using a blog in an organization

As an organization, having a blog could be beneficial for business. As a company, an important point is often to be seen and heard. You want your company to be known for this brings in business. A blog is something that provides a way to communicate with everyone outside the organization. Whether it be already established customers or prospective ones, these people can be reached out to through your company blog. It can also be another way of marketing your products or services through the World Wide Web. In today’s day and age where the internet is “booming”, expanding your company’s online exposure could truly be good for business. It is a simple and easy way to keep consumers updated on new products or services, without the formality of a company website. Blogs can be used to provide tutorials, FAQ, or any company news which may be of interest to consumers. It can be updated at any time of any day leaving you with few restrictions. A good example of a successful company blog is Kodak’s A Thousand Words. Unfortunately, blogs have their down sides like most things. Maintaining a blog is a task that requires time. In a company, time is of essence and often limited. If a blog isn’t regularly updated, it can have a negative impact on the company’s image. In instances where blogs are poorly written, they can look fake or even hinder the company’s credibility and portray incompetence.


