Using a blog in an organization

As an organization, having a blog could be beneficial for business. As a company, an important point is often to be seen and heard. You want your company to be known for this brings in business. A blog is something that provides a way to communicate with everyone outside the organization. Whether it be already established customers or prospective ones, these people can be reached out to through your company blog. It can also be another way of marketing your products or services through the World Wide Web. In today’s day and age where the internet is “booming”, expanding your company’s online exposure could truly be good for business. It is a simple and easy way to keep consumers updated on new products or services, without the formality of a company website. Blogs can be used to provide tutorials, FAQ, or any company news which may be of interest to consumers. It can be updated at any time of any day leaving you with few restrictions. A good example of a successful company blog is Kodak’s A Thousand Words. Unfortunately, blogs have their down sides like most things. Maintaining a blog is a task that requires time. In a company, time is of essence and often limited. If a blog isn’t regularly updated, it can have a negative impact on the company’s image. In instances where blogs are poorly written, they can look fake or even hinder the company’s credibility and portray incompetence.