What can wearable computers replace?

The implementation of wearable computers could replace other popular devices. Things such as the cellular phones and memory storing devices could be left behind. They could replace security cameras and be used to recognize a person in high alerted areas. Certain medical machines could also be replaced by a shirt developed by VivoMetrics, which is used in hospitals to monitor patients. The increase in wearable computers could decrease the need for desktop computers as well as laptops. Since these devices assume the role of a personal assistant, they could reduce the need for human assistants in different work and personal settings. An advanced technology as such could also begin to reduce and even eventually replace paperwork and the accumulation of it. With these ready-to-go on hand computers, the need for papers could eventually disappear in some areas. Other little devices such as calculators, mp3 players, and visual players could become unnecessary over time if the wearable computers were to become the next “must have” for everyone. Interesting wearable technologies were exposed at the Boston Museum of Science in the form of a wearable technology fashion show.

